Conny Larsson claimed that I (Joe Moreno) am hiding behind an anonymous IP that my IP resolved to Conny's email provider is ( I decided to set up my own account to view the type of headers used on their emails and compare them to the headers that Conny attributed to me.
I sent an email from my account to my new account and discovered that Conny Larsson purposely lied about my IP. Indeed, an IP appears in "X-ob-received line", however, my IP clearly showed up in the "received" line, below the "message-ID" line. Here is the screencap to the account headers:

The: "X-Ob-Received: from unknown (" resolves to IANA, however, the "Received: from []" is the correct line that shows my IP. Compare these headers with the incorrect headers that Conny Larsson posted and attributed to me:
Return-Path: vishvarupa108(a.t.)
Received: (qmail 15141 invoked by uid 0); 9 Nov 2005 23:52:04 -0000
X-OB-Received: from unknown ( by; 9 Nov 2005 23:52:04 -0000
Received: from ( [])
Another perfect example of the hypocrisy and chronic lies that Conny Larsson & Co. engage in to smear the name of Gerald Moreno. Conny purposely posted only 5 lines when there are actually 12 lines (leaving out the line that had my IP). Anyone is free to set up his/her own account at and verify this information first-hand.
Of course, as usual, Conny Larsson & Co. will deny, twist, deceive and lie themselves blue-faced about these facts. However, this type of behavior is natural and effortless for Anti-Sai Activists (they have had lots of practice with Sathya Sai Baba). Anyone who looks at Conny's negative and obsessional website can see how he purposely distorts facts with his perversions. No wonder Baba always called Conny a "rogue".